upkie 6.1.0
Open-source wheeled biped robots
▼Cabc.ABC | |
▼Cupkie.envs.upkie_base_env.UpkieBaseEnv | Base class for Upkie environments |
Cupkie.envs.upkie_ground_velocity.UpkieGroundVelocity | Environment where Upkie is used as a wheeled inverted pendulum |
▼Cupkie.envs.upkie_servos.UpkieServos | Upkie with actions and observations corresponding to the moteus servo API |
Cupkie.envs.upkie_servo_positions.UpkieServoPositions | Command servos by position control |
Cupkie.envs.upkie_servo_torques.UpkieServoTorques | Command servos by torque control |
▼Cgym.ActionWrapper | |
Cupkie.envs.wrappers.noisify_action.NoisifyAction | Add noise to the action of an environment |
Cupkie::cpp::spine::AgentInterface | Memory map to shared memory |
▼Cb3RobotSimulatorClientAPI | |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::bullet::RobotSimulatorClientAPI | Child class to enable modification of inertia matrices |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::bullet::ContactData | Contact information for a single link |
▼Cgym.Env | |
Cupkie.envs.upkie_base_env.UpkieBaseEnv | Base class for Upkie environments |
Cupkie.envs.wheeled_inverted_pendulum.WheeledInvertedPendulum | Wheeled inverted pendulum model |
▼CException | |
▼Cupkie.exceptions.UpkieException | Base class for exceptions raised by Upkie agents |
Cupkie.exceptions.FallDetected | Raised when a fall is detected |
Cupkie.exceptions.MissingOptionalDependency | Raised when an optional feature lacks a corresponding optional dependency |
Cupkie.exceptions.ModelError | Raised when something is wrong in the robot model |
Cupkie.exceptions.PerformanceIssue | Exception raised when a performance issue is detected |
Cupkie.exceptions.SpineError | Exception raised when the spine sets an error flag in the request field of the shared memory map |
Cupkie.exceptions.UpkieRuntimeError | Runtime error, for instance an invalid call to a library function |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::bullet::ExternalForce | Parameters for a call to Bullet's applyExternalForce |
▼Clogging.Formatter | |
Cupkie.utils.spdlog.SpdlogFormatter | Custom logging formatter visually consistent with spdlog |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::ImuData | Data from the onboard inertial measurement unit (IMU) |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::ImuUncertainty | Uncertainty on IMU measurements |
▼Cupkie::cpp::actuation::Interface | Base class for actuation interfaces |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::BulletInterface | Actuation interface for the Bullet simulator |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::MockInterface | Interface whose internal state perfectly tracks commands |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::Pi3HatInterface | Interface to moteus controllers |
Cupkie.model.joint.Joint | Joint properties (see also joint limits) |
Cupkie.model.joint_limit.JointLimit | Joint limit in configuration and tangent spaces |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::bullet::JointProperties | Properties for robot joints in the Bullet simulation |
Cupkie.model.model.Model | Robot model parsed from its URDF description |
▼Cgym.ObservationWrapper | |
Cupkie.envs.wrappers.add_action_to_observation.AddActionToObservation | Append last action vector to the observation vector |
Cupkie.envs.wrappers.noisify_observation.NoisifyObservation | Add noise to the observation of an environment |
▼Cupkie::cpp::observers::Observer | Base class for observers |
Cupkie::cpp::observers::BaseOrientation | Observe the orientation of the base frame relative to the world frame |
Cupkie::cpp::observers::FloorContact | Observe contact between the wheels and the floor |
Cupkie::cpp::observers::HistoryObserver< T > | Report high-frequency history vectors to lower-frequency agents |
Cupkie::cpp::observers::WheelOdometry | Observe the relative motion of the floating base with respect to the floor |
Cupkie::cpp::observers::ObserverPipeline | Observer pipeline |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::BulletInterface::Parameters | Interface parameters |
Cupkie::cpp::observers::BaseOrientation::Parameters | Parameters for the base orientation observer |
Cupkie::cpp::observers::FloorContact::Parameters | Parameters to the floor contact observer |
Cupkie::cpp::observers::WheelContact::Parameters | Observer parameters |
Cupkie::cpp::observers::WheelOdometry::Parameters | Observer parameters |
Cupkie::cpp::spine::Spine::Parameters | Spine parameters |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::bullet::RobotSimulatorChangeDynamicsArgs | Structure which contains the new link properties |
Cupkie.utils.robot_state.RobotState | Robot state (configuration and velocity) with optional randomization |
Cupkie.utils.robot_state_randomization.RobotStateRandomization | Domain randomization parameters for Upkie's state |
▼Cstd::runtime_error | |
▼Cupkie::cpp::exceptions::UpkieError | Base class for Upkie-related exceptions |
Cupkie::cpp::exceptions::FilterError | Exception for filter errors |
Cupkie::cpp::exceptions::ObserverError | Exception thrown when an observer fails |
Cupkie::cpp::exceptions::PositionCommandError | Exception raised when an actuation command is incorrect |
Cupkie::cpp::exceptions::ServoError | Exception for filter errors |
Cupkie::cpp::exceptions::TypeError | Exception raised when a deserialized object does not have the right type |
▼CRuntimeError | |
Cupkie.exceptions.UpkieRuntimeError | Runtime error, for instance an invalid call to a library function |
▼Cupkie::cpp::sensors::Sensor | Base class for sensors |
Cupkie::cpp::sensors::CpuTemperature | Sensor for CPU temperature readings |
Cupkie::cpp::sensors::Joystick | Sensor for a joystick controller |
Cupkie::cpp::sensors::Keyboard | Sensor for reading Keyboard inputs |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::ServoLayout | Map between servos, their busses and the joints they actuate |
Cupkie::cpp::actuation::ServoProperties | Servo properties |
Cupkie::cpp::spine::Spine | Loop transmitting actions to the actuation and observations to the agent |
Cupkie.spine.spine_interface.SpineInterface | Interface to interact with a spine from a Python agent |
Cupkie::cpp::spine::StateMachine | Spine state machine |
Cupkie::cpp::utils::SynchronousClock | Synchronous (blocking) clock |
Cupkie.envs.wheeled_inverted_pendulum.WheeledInvertedPendulum.Uncertainty | Biases and noise levels on modeled system uncertainties |
Cupkie::cpp::observers::WheelContact | Observe contact between a given wheel and the floor |
▼Cgym.Wrapper | |
Cupkie.envs.wrappers.add_lag_to_action.AddLagToAction | Model lag by applying a low-pass filter to the action of an environment |
Cupkie.envs.wrappers.differentiate_action.DifferentiateAction | Act on the derivative of the action |
Cupkie.envs.wrappers.observation_based_reward.ObservationBasedReward | Redefine the reward of an environment as a function of its observation |
▼CActType | |
Cupkie.envs.wrappers.observation_based_reward.ObservationBasedReward | Redefine the reward of an environment as a function of its observation |
Cupkie.envs.wrappers.observation_based_reward.ObservationBasedReward | Redefine the reward of an environment as a function of its observation |
▼CObsType | |
Cupkie.envs.wrappers.observation_based_reward.ObservationBasedReward | Redefine the reward of an environment as a function of its observation |
Cupkie.envs.wrappers.observation_based_reward.ObservationBasedReward | Redefine the reward of an environment as a function of its observation |
▼CWrapper | |
Cupkie.envs.wrappers.random_push.RandomPush | At each step, with a given probability, apply a random push to the robot |