upkie 6.1.0
Open-source wheeled biped robots
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NupkieSoftware for wheeled-biped robots
 NconfigStatic robot configuration
 NcppC++ library to create new spines
 NactuationSend actions to actuators or simulators
 NbulletBullet utility functions used in the simulation interface
 CContactDataContact information for a single link
 CExternalForceParameters for a call to Bullet's applyExternalForce
 CJointPropertiesProperties for robot joints in the Bullet simulation
 CRobotSimulatorChangeDynamicsArgsStructure which contains the new link properties
 CRobotSimulatorClientAPIChild class to enable modification of inertia matrices
 Ndefault_actionDefault values for servo actions
 Npi3hatUtility functions used in the pi3hat interface
 CBulletInterfaceActuation interface for the Bullet simulator
 CParametersInterface parameters
 CImuDataData from the onboard inertial measurement unit (IMU)
 CImuUncertaintyUncertainty on IMU measurements
 CInterfaceBase class for actuation interfaces
 CMockInterfaceInterface whose internal state perfectly tracks commands
 CPi3HatInterfaceInterface to moteus controllers
 CServoLayoutMap between servos, their busses and the joints they actuate
 CServoPropertiesServo properties
 NexceptionsExceptions raised by this project
 CFilterErrorException for filter errors
 CObserverErrorException thrown when an observer fails
 CPositionCommandErrorException raised when an actuation command is incorrect
 CServoErrorException for filter errors
 CTypeErrorException raised when a deserialized object does not have the right type
 CUpkieErrorBase class for Upkie-related exceptions
 NobserversState observers available for Upkies
 CBaseOrientationObserve the orientation of the base frame relative to the world frame
 CParametersParameters for the base orientation observer
 CFloorContactObserve contact between the wheels and the floor
 CParametersParameters to the floor contact observer
 CHistoryObserverReport high-frequency history vectors to lower-frequency agents
 CObserverBase class for observers
 CObserverPipelineObserver pipeline
 CWheelContactObserve contact between a given wheel and the floor
 CParametersObserver parameters
 CWheelOdometryObserve the relative motion of the floating base with respect to the floor
 CParametersObserver parameters
 NsensorsSensors (pure outputs) available for Upkies
 CCpuTemperatureSensor for CPU temperature readings
 CJoystickSensor for a joystick controller
 CKeyboardSensor for reading Keyboard inputs
 CSensorBase class for sensors
 NspineInter-process communication protocol with the spine
 CAgentInterfaceMemory map to shared memory
 CSpineLoop transmitting actions to the actuation and observations to the agent
 CParametersSpine parameters
 CStateMachineSpine state machine
 NutilsUtility functions
 CSynchronousClockSynchronous (blocking) clock
 NenvsGymnasium environments
 NexceptionsExceptions raised by the Python library
 CFallDetectedRaised when a fall is detected
 CMissingOptionalDependencyRaised when an optional feature lacks a corresponding optional dependency
 CModelErrorRaised when something is wrong in the robot model
 CPerformanceIssueException raised when a performance issue is detected
 CSpineErrorException raised when the spine sets an error flag in the request field of the shared memory map
 CUpkieExceptionBase class for exceptions raised by Upkie agents
 CUpkieRuntimeErrorRuntime error, for instance an invalid call to a library function
 NmodelRobot model
 NspinePython interface for agents to interact with a spine
 NutilsUtility functions